Blesson, L. Beitrag zur Geschichte
des Festungskrieges in Frankreich im
Jahre 1815 Reprint of 1818 edition.
326 pages, 8 maps and charts,
hardbound. Price approx. 78 pounds

At last, this most important source on the 1815 campaign has been reprinted! Written by a participating Prussian engineer officer, it is a first-hand account of the sieges of Maubeuge, Landrecies, Marienbourg, Phillippeville, Rocroy, Givet and Charlemont.

The Battle of Waterloo was certainly the highlight of this campaign, but it is so often forgotten that the campaign itself was far from over after 18th June. Historians have concentrated on the climax to the detriment of a number of other significant events in this campaign, particularly in the Anglo-Saxon world.

Only last year, nearly 180 years after the event, the first work in the English language devoted to the Battle of Ligny was published. In this battle, it was the Prussian army that fought. Naturally, Bntish historians have devoted little attention to to this matter. It was also the Prussian army that was engaged with Grouchy's forces at Wavre, later pursuing this important part of the French army around which Napoleon could have rallied his forces to continue the campaign. Naturally, British historians have devoted little attention to this matter. Likewise, it was the Prussians that dealt with those French fortresses astride the Allied lines of communications. Naturally, British historians have devoted little attention to this matter.

For a more rounded view on the Campagn of 1815, it is important to study Ligny, Wavre, the pursuit to Paris and the fortress sieges. Blesson's work is by far the best on the latter subject.

Highly recommended.

--Peter Hofsehroer

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