Napoleonic Association
Events Programme for 1996

4th February: Napoleonic Fair

Members will be attending in Uniform. If you are interested in the NA and all its aspects why not visit our main display, or one of the various Regimental displays.

16th March: Research Conference.

National Army Museum, Chelsea.

4th/7th April: Rousse Tower, Guernsey.

Small event to assist Guernsey Tourist Board in the opening of this Napoleonic fortification. Part of the "Fortress Guernsey' initiative, we hope to develop strong links in the Channel Islands, and stage a further major expedition to Guernsey in 1997.

4th/5th/6th May: Normanby Hall, Lincs.

Campaign event along similar lines to Grimsthorpe last year. Public display on the Monday. There will be a Napoleonic Danoe / Party & Buffet in the Regency Hall on the Saturday evening which should be most entertaining.

11th/12th May: Lodi, Italy.

Not an NA event, but included for information purposes. Some members plan to go, and I will act as an information point if required.

lst/2nd June: Le Quesnoy, near to Valenciennes, France.

"18eme" event in conjunction with 'La Grande Armee". Regis Surmont has asked for our support. I hope both members and enthusiasts will make an effort to attend This town features a very interesting "Vauban" fortification around which the event will be staged. Facilities available for "Period Camping," other details on request

8th/9th June: Weston Park. Shropshire.

First full Battle / Display weekend of the year. Excellent venue with acres of open park land surrounding the Stately Home. Worth a visit in its own right

15th/16th June: Kirby Hall, Northampton.

English Heritage are staging this event. It will feature many re enactments across various periods, and also feature a "trading fair" where various items of books, clothing and equipment will be on sale.

29th/30th June: Ditchling Common, Sussex.

Full Battle / Display weekend Period dance with barbecue arranged for the Saturday evening - not to be missed Another excellent venue.

13th/14th July: Hawarden Castle, N. Wales.

Near Chester, this is a tremendous site for an event, in an area not previously visited by the NA Full Battle / Display weekend.

20th/21st July: Boulogne, France.

Grande Armee event. We should endeavour to give our colleagues in France the usual high degree of support for this event. As I have reported in earlier issues of First Empire, Boulogne is a town of great Napoleonic significance. If you haven't been yet book the time to go now. If you have already made the trip, you won't need further encouragement Period camping available. For other details of accommodation and fadlites please contact me.

27th/28th July: Bovington camp.

Small event organised by the 9th Foot at this very interesting military museum, and camp.

10th/11th August: Ashton Court Bristol

Full Battle / Display weekend Excellent venue with all aspects of the Napoleonic Association on display.

17th August: First Empire Show.

THE Napoleonic show in the North. Not to be missed

24th/26th August: Elizabeth Castle, Jersey.

Bank Holiday excursion to the Channel Islands. This is again a tremendous site and an event not to be missed. Final funding details awaited but we are expecting the ferry from Weymouth to be paid for, or heavily subsidised. Accommodation will be provided. You can be assured of a warm welcome, and a few pleasant surprises. Why not build this into your annual holidays?

7th/8th September: Cranleigh, Surrey.

Many members have asked for the season to be extended, and this is the response.

Another excellent venue. Full Battle / Display weekend.

15th/16th September: Arcola, Italy.

Details still awaited. As with Lodi, I will act as an information point for anyone who wishes to go.

5th October: Research Conference.

National Army Museum, Chelsea 12th/14th October: Jena / Auerstadt. Germany

Napoleonische Gesellschaft event. Full details will be in First Empire as soon as they are received.

19th/20th October: Fort Amherst, Kent.

A repeat of the 1995 Tattoo which went so well is planned with no doubt some further surprises as the French once again attempt to get a foothold in England

16th November: Annual General Meeting

This year we plan to follow the AGM with a Dinner / Social evening. Separately ticketed to the AGM, B&B details will be available.

Further information will be advised as soon as it is known, through First Empire, and with Warning Orders issued to members giving final "housekeeping" arrangements just before the event as last year.

We have tried to put together a varied and active programme of events to cater to all tastes, and are always open to suggestions and further initiatives. If you are not already a member now is the time to join. Existing members should renew as soon as possible to ensure you are kept up to date with developments.

Don't miss this opportunity to join us and visit sites of interest across Europe.

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Copyright 1996 by First Empire.