The Wargaming Brigade

By Ian Barstow

Those of you confused by the reference to the 3eme Regiment Etranger re-enactment unit mentioned in this column last issue should be made aware that this of course is French for the 1er Regiment of the Vistula Legion. What do you mean you don't understand? Let's just say that the powers that be decreed that Polish is more PC than Irish. Whatever. So anybody else thinking of joining should be aware that Guinness has been taken off the menu, and replaced with vodka. What a tragedy! Our worthy editor will probably mention more on the subject, but for the moment, suffice to say that if you fancy going into training with some severely overweight men from across England (and now Scotland as well!) then drop me a line. We can promise you a wet time.

Right; on to business. Bring and Buy stalls at shows. I can now speak from experience, having worked with Steve Lloyd up at Derby. I've got a couple more moans that I suspect I am not alone in feeling. It seems that there is never enough room at shows for the stalls.

Take Armageddon (sorry, Colours) Once again the room where the biggest B&B in the south of England is staged was more than half-filled with wargames. As a result, the majority of stuff on sale was hidden away and never looked at, let alone bought. What is worse is that I was FOURTH in the queue to put stuff on the B&B yet it was already full up. Suspicious, eh? As a result, I sold absolutely nothing.

So come on Trevor, make more room next year, and turn the whole chamber into a huge B&B. It will still overflow, I bet. I was going to slag off the running of the B&B at Chippenham where I was obliged to fill in a form which would make the Census people happy whilst the bloke running the thing sat on his backside. What was worse, I had twenty odd computer games all priced the same which he insisted on being logged individually. Despite nearly coming to blows, I have to say that I sold some stuff, so it was more successful than Armag... (Colours). That should make Barry Hill rest more easily, as I would have had to do him another apology!

Bicorne Miniatures

Following on from the riflemen reviewed last issue, I have been sent some Austnan Uhlans (25mm) by the well-disposed supremo of that outfit, Acting Pole Brian Holland. They really are very nice. Once more fully compatible with the likes of Connoisseur, I feel obliged to say that I think these are a tad better. They come supplied with wire lances which are a bitch to get to look right but are substantially stronger once they are sorted. The horses look viciously starved when unmounted, yet once the rider is attached the definition is less obvious. Brian will probably say that they are meant to look that way. Perhaps they represent starved British cavalry mounts? We'd have to ask John Lander for that. Needless to say, these fellows are highly recommended.

Adler Miniatures

Those very nice people at Adler (6mm) - they give NA discount, remember - have sent me there latest catalogue (no.30) and some cracking samples of their new French Republican range. Those of you who bone up on this column regularly will know that my own collection is now in Adler and I can sense that there will soon be a few early units in the tin. Looking through the strips, I can senously recommend FR6C, a command strip of three posed very aggressively. Like the mounted generals they can be used as is with your First Empire period stuff (the figures, not the mag). My own favourite is FRSC, which has four differently posed figures marching as if they have been at it for hours. There are a number of strips with varied poses, which is worth it even in this size, as Adlers really paint up well. BUY SOME NOW!

The PBM Campaign

Those of you in the ga[ne will probably already have received your opening deployrnents, so brace yourselves next issue to find out if can emulate Napoleon.


Finally, let me whet your appetites about another article next month, when I reveal to all you wargamers what it is like to fire a real cannon courtesy of Steve Vickers and the lads and lasses of the Quatrieme Artillerie a Pied (which I've probably spelt wrong). Steve kindly let four grungy Vistula Legionnaires ruin his day and act as ramparts. It's up to Fusilier Watkinski whether he mentions that he gave everybody the flu.

Anybody feeling the need can slag me off in person through the letters.

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