The Battle of Rivoli, 1797
Part II

Sources List: Books, Magazines, and Other

by John Walsh UK

Sources list
(* means Highly Recommended)

Battle History & Political

    Campaigns of Napoleon* by David Chandler
    A Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars* by V.J. Esposito & J.R. Elting (London, 1964)
    Attack in the West* by W.G.P Jackson (London. 1953)
    Napoleon Bonaparte: La Premier Campagne d'Italie 1796-97* by J.C. Carmigniani
    (NB: Above book written in French but useful information can still be gained even if you can't read the language. Worth seeing for colour plates and pictures alone, even though it includes some dated incorrectly)
    Napoleon's Military Machine by Philip J. Haythornthwaite
    Napoleon's Campaigns in Italy (Osprey Men-At-Arms No 257) by Philip Haythornthwaite and Richard Hook
    Marshal Massena by James Marshall-Cornwall (London, 1965)
    Marshal Murat: King of Naples by A.H. Atteridge (Tyne & Wear, 1992)
    The Gamble: Bonaparte in Italy by Guglielmo Ferrero
    The French in Italy: 1796-99 by Angus Heriot (London, 1957)

Uniforms and General Info:

    Napoleon's Greatest Adversaries (The Archduke Charles & the Austrian Army, 1792-1814) by Gunther E. Rothenberg (London, 1982)
    Uniforms of the French Revolutionary Wars, 1789-1802* by Philip Haythornthwaite (Dorset, 1981)
    Napoleon's Marshals by P. Young
    Napoleon's Marshals (Osprey Men-At-Arms No 87) by Emir Bukhari & Chris Warner
    Napoleon's Line Infantry (Osprey Men-At-Arms No 141) by Philip Haythornthwaite & Bryan Fosten
    Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) Infantry (Osprey Men-at Arms No 176) by Philip Haythornthwaite & Bryan Fosten
    Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) Cavalry (Osprey Men-At-Arms No 181) by Philip Haythornthwaite & Bryan Fosten
    Austrian Specialist Troops of the Napoleonic Wars (Osprey Men-at-Arms No 223) by Philip Haythornthwaite & Bryan Fosten
    Artillery Equipment of the Napoleonic Wars (Osprey Men-at Arms No 96)
    by Terence Wise & Richard Hook

Museums, Magazines & Other Sources

    Campagnes Modernes. Tome 1. L'Epopee Republicaine 1792-1804 by Colonel E. Bourdeau (Published: Henri Charles Lavauzelle, Paris, 1912?)
    Schlachten Atlas: by Pr.R.v.Rothenburg (Published in Wien, 1840) Extracts provided by: OR Der. Adolf Gaisbauer Direktor, der Bibliothek des Osterteichisches Staatsarchiv, Austria.
    Die Ersten Feldzuge Napoleon Bonaparte's in Italian und Deutschland 1796 und 1797: by W. Rustow. (Published Zurich. 1867) Pages: 377-389; Extracts provided by: Le Lieutenant-Colonel Prom/Po Lt Col Bodinier/Chef du Service Historique/de Armee de Terre/Ministere de La Defense
    Re-Enactment Regiment Profile no 1: Article by Dave Hollins (P12 Napoleonic Notes & Queries No 8)
    KK Inf. Reg. Nr. 4 Hoch und Deutschmeister and KK IR4 Deutschmeister in Italy, 1796-7. Drawn from: Amon:
    Geschichte des KK Infanterie Regiments Hoch und Deutschrneister Nr. 4 (1879) and 'Die Deutschmeister' (1920) Notes from Dave Hollins

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Orders of Battle (14th January, 1797)

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