Napoleonic Newsdesk:
Study Groups

At the recent very successful Autumn Conference of the Napoleonic Association, a request was made for more volunteers to form Study Groups within the Association. The task is not an onerous one. The Study Group Co-ordinators act as a focus for interest in their subject; putting members in touch with each other; disseminating information; helping members with their research; and often publishing a newsletter containing items of interest plus requests for information from anyone who cares to contribute. Recent issues of First Empire have detailed the Groups in existence. We now have a new Study Group, formed at the Autumn Conference.

The British Cavalry Study Group

Wellington referred to the British cavalry as galloping at everything but he also described them as the most delicate instrument in our whole machine. Modern historians have tended to concentrate on the first comment and have ignored the often decisive contribution that this force made to the Allied victories in the Peninsula and elsewhere.

The aim of this Group is to research in depth this neglected force and publish findings in First Empire. Research will be performed to look at the use of the cavalry between 1793 and 1815; looking at campaigns, battles, tactics, organisation, uniforms and the lives of the generals, officers and men. Although research will focus on the Peninsula and Waterloo, attention will be given to the use of the cavalry in other theatres, including Britain where they supported the Militia and Volunteers in suppressing discontent.

For further information please contact John Morewood, 10 Cox Close, Shenley, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 9JQ. Please enclose return postage with your enquiry.

Horse and Musket Studies: Winter 1995-96 Conferences

I have received the following information about a series of conferences to be held over the winter months.

The British Army in the Early Eighteenth Century - 3 December 1995 Marlborough: A Great Commander and his Army by Toby Macleod
Wolfe and the Quebec Campaign by Toby Macleod

Wellington as a Great Commander - 21 January 1996 Formative Years, Campaigns in the Low Countries and India by Tim Hicks
Wellington versus Massena: The 1810-11 Torres Vedras Campaign by Tim Hicks
The Great Duke at Waterloo (Speaker to be announced)

Development of the British Army during the American War -11 February 1996 The British Army in North America by Toby Macleod
General Howe's Philadelphia Campaign by Toby Macleod

Wellington as Peninsular Commander -10 March 1996 Peninsular Logistics by Tim Hicks
Higher Command and Staff Functions in the Peninsular Army by Tim Hicks
Peninsular Commanders (Picton, Hill, Stapleton Cotton and Le Marchant) by John Morewood
The Peninsular Army in Action: The Pyrenees Campaign by Tim Hicks

The Speakers:

Tim Hicks has travelled all over Europe visiting Napoleonic locations. He lectures at various historical societies and at Cambridge University.

Toby Macleod lectures on The Development of Warfare in the Eghteenth Century at The University of Birmingham, and Technology and Warfare at Wolverhampton University.

John White is a graduate in War Studies, Secretary of the Association of Friends of the Waterloo Committee and lectures regularly on The Great Duke.

John Morewood lectures regularly and is currently writing a book on British Napoleonic Cavalry.

The Venue:

All the presentations take place on a Sunday at the Tower of London Education Cenbre, Europe House, East Smithfields London E1. The Education Centre is situated 5 minutes walk from Tower Hill Underground Station (District Circle Lines). It contains a purpose built lecture theatre with a full range of the latest electronic Audio-Visual aids. All the presentations are fully illustrated. They begin at 10:00am and finish at 4.30pm. If delegates wish accommodation, then this can be arranged through Holts Tours (01304 612248).

The Cost:

The cost of each conference is 50 pounds. Members of the Napoleonic Association, Friends of the Waterloo Committee, Garde Imperiale, and anyone who has travelled, or has booked to travel on a Holts or Grapeshot Tour will receive a 50% reduction in the price.

Contact: Tim Hicks, 5 Victoria Court, Cartwright Street, London, E1 8LZ. Tel. 0171265 1081.

Paul Chamberlain

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