Napoleonic Newsdesk:
French Brigade: Class of 1996

Whilst membership of the reenactment section of the NA is growing healthily, we need more of you to join the French Brigade. The Emperor always succeeded in finding troops to serve France in her hour of need and now is no exception. I suspect there is more than just a little respect for the achievements of Napoleon amongst you. Isn't there just a little hankering to march behind the Eagles proudly held aloft, and the feel the adrenalin surge through your veins at the sound of the "pas de charge".

Whats more I suspect there are a great many of you who would really like to send a ball or two in the direction of one Richard Sharpe!! The true heros, larger than life characters such as Lannes, Murat, and Ney rose through the ranks to answer the call of the Empire. We now want you to emulate them and answer the call to the CLASS OF 1996.

There are a number of units to choose from and all welcome new recruits :

The 21 eme Regiment Infanterie de Ligne recreate a veteran line unit of the penod 1812 - 1815. Serving the Empire with distincton very often with Davout, the reenactment unit recruits Fusiliers to serve in the Line, Musicians for the Drum Corps and Fifes, Infirmiers, and is very much a family regiment.

The 45eme Regiment de Ligne wear the slightly earlier habit long of the period 1808-1809. The unit operates both as line infantry and voltigeurs, and is keen on authenbic camping and living history.

The 46eme de Ligne by contrast are a grenadier company wearing 1793 uniforms and operate with attached Regimental Artillery. The unit has an active social and braining schedule during the winter months, and operates an authentic camp famed for its culinary achievements.

The 4eme Artillerie a Pied is a new unit being put together with the intention of putting at least a half battery into the field at events. They are now actively looking for gunners.

Another new unit is the 1er regiment de la Legion de la Vistule. If you admire the achievements of Napoleon's staunchest allies - the Poles, then this unit is for you.

Finally and perhaps with the greatest splendour come the Cavalry. The 1er regiment de Chasseurs a Cheval make up the NA's French cavalry with both Centre and Elite Company's being represented. Whether you own a horse or not you will be welcome if your riding is of the highest standard.

This is only intended to give you a flavour of the options available within the Brigade. Most units can provide help and advice with uniforms and equipment. Don't let any perceived problems deter you, if you are interested please write to me and I will put you directly in touch with the Unit you find most attractive and they will send you full information packs.

Mike Freeman
5 Thingwall Drive, Irby Wirral
Merseyside L61 3XN

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