The Last Thing

by Dave Watkins


An error appeared in John Cook's last article, namely that figure 10 acquired a copy of figure 9's caption. So figure 10 should have been captioned:

    "Man wird auf die letze Abtheilung aufmarschiren! Rechts um! Links deploirt! Marsch!)" - Deploying on the rear, right in front, to the right flank

Also, subscribers who received a reminder to renew last issue, may or may not have spotted an error on the form which meant that the subscription appeared to be for 5 issues. Fear not fellow travellers, we spotted the error and all replies have been amended to the correct number.

Also, apologies to all for the long delay on binder number 3. We are dependent on an outside source for these items and as such delivery was only 2 months late!!!! All outstanding orders have now been shipped and we have stock!

The Last Perspective

Understandably the question has often been asked "why all the fuss about Hamilton-Williams (HW) and that book?" Well, there are more answers to this than there are personas who emanate from this particular author. To deal with the book aspect first.

There are hundreds of books on Waterloo, both ancient and modern. To sell a new book on the subject in any quantity requires a unique selling point (USP). The USP in this case was the supposed discovery of a 'conspiracy', for want of a better word, to devalue the role played by the British Allies. This was supposedly instigated and perpetuated by the Sibomes and continued and promoted by all historians since. In actuality a lot of the supposed evidence to support this view, does not exist other than in the imagination of HW.

You may say, so what it is still a good read. Very true, but with so many books on Waterloo you could equally argue that if one had known that one would be purchasing an almost fictional work, would one have parted with 20.00 pounds! Now who's been defrauded and were the publishers aware?

In addition to this, Mr HW, is not a baronet or a PhD. Neither is he a Lord (previous aliases include Lord Alton), nor is he entitled to bear a coat of arms. Nor is his name HW, I believe it is in fact Cromwell. And no HW is not a Nom de plume in the conventional sense at least!

Readers of long standing will know that I have an obsession with regard to the rogues tbat permeate this industry from time to time. This man is one such.

He has used the publication of this book and the assumption of a title to gain infuence over and the confidence of others. This in turn has lead to several parties having supplied goods and services and to not receive payment. In that this man is a thoroughly slimy character and any person in the trade who wishes to have his name and address in order to avoid potential losses can contact me directly. And panic not loyal friends. I am aware of the libel laws and have documentary proof of all that I have indicated.

Reviews and Battle Reports

Readers are again invited to submit articles to First Empire. Wargame battle reports and figure reviews are in pretty short supply and we want to expand the rules forum (or even start it!) so get ink to paper in what ever form and send it in!

And finally....

At this time of year, as is usual, I must thank all who have contributed to the magazine over the last 12 months in any manner and those who have supported me during times of personal crisis. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

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