Wargaming News 1974

By Dana Lombardy
Photograph by Fred Hutchison

Seventy-five Northeastern gamers braved the weather to attend Winter Conn II, sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Strategic Games Society (MITSGS) and the American Wargaming Association 12 January 1974, on the MIT campus in Cambridge.

Travelling to the Boston area from as far away as Maine and Pennsylvania, the gamers came to compete in events ranging from a single-elimination Stalingrad tournament to Diplomacy- Hill (a variant crossing Stalingrad's movement and combat with Diplomacy's player interaction and situation), and Tactics II (eight-player super Blitzkrieg). Also offered were Armor Miniatures, a Diplomacy tournament, and an Ancient Miniatures demonstration game run by members of the New England Wargamers Association.

Doors opened at 8:45 AM, with many events getting off the ground at 9:30 AM. When the dust had cleared, Paul Siragusa (of Burlington, CT) had placed first in Stalingrad and Mike Komaromy (of MIT) and Samuel Cohn (of Needham, MA) had tied for victory in the Diplomacy tournament. Virtually the entire fourth floor of the MIT Student Center had been reserved for the use of conventioneers, but owing to poor weather that week and the gas crunch in the Northeast, total attendance was below the originally anticipated level. Nonetheless, Winter Conn II was still quite successful, yielding a profit to the sponsors and a full day of gaming to all who attended.

All prizes awarded at Winter Conn II were donated. Prizes were given both for participation and competence, as well as for attendance.


The Lake Geneva Tactical Studies Association will hold the three-day Lake Geneva Wargames Convention at the Horticultural Hall, 330 Broad Street, Lake Geneva, WI. GenCon VII will run from noon Friday August 23 until 8:00 PM Sunday the 25th.

Events scheduled for GenCon VII include all popular periods of miniatures, as well as a Stalingrad tournament utilizing 4-5-6 Russian replacements. Trophies or ribbons will be awarded for individuals and teams who become finalists.


The 1974 Cincinnati Games Convention is slated for July 13 to 14, to be held at Xavier University Armory. Preregistration is $2.50 for both days, and overnight dorm rooms can be obtained. An auction, exhibits, figure painting competition, and both miniature and board gaming tournaments will run from 8:00 AM on Saturday until 7:00 PM Sunday. $250.00 worth of cash prizes will be awarded.


The Houston Miniature Warfare Association plays every Wednesday and Friiday at 8:00 PM and Sunday at 2:00 PM.

The H.M.W.A. is planning a National Wargame Convention on July 19, 20, and 21 at the Ramada Inn on the Gulf Freeway at Cullen Street.

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© Copyright 1974 by Dana Lombardy
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